When I grow up…

“When you grow up, what do you want to be?” is something we were asked as children and my answers varied over the years.

My first recollection of answering that question was saying I wanted to be a nurse. The sole reason for my answer was it was the same response that my friend had given! Early signs of wanting to please and be the same, right there!

I realised quickly I had no interest in being a nurse at all. But I was much more serious in my second voiced thought of being a vet. I liked animals, much more than people it would seem, even from the tender age of 5 or 6. But as we discussed job roles in more detail, I realised the thought of putting an animal to sleep made me far too sad and was not something I considered beyond that point. I knew it would upset me even then.

It amazes me how clear that memory is and how certain I was at such a young age. It was nearly 50 years ago yet I had a certain level of self-awareness then that I envy now.

50 years later and I am in a job I don’t like, wondering if 5 year old me made a mistake. I still prefer animals to most people, and while I know I would definitely get attached, the thought of working with and helping animals sounds infinitely more appealing than insurance!

In my teens we had a school careers advice interview. At this point I had decided I wanted to be a journalist. I was told this was a hard career to get into and instead I should go into teaching. The rest of my high school career this is what I was told I should pursue, even though I had specifically expressed the concern I had no interest in this field. On leaving school I deliberately ignored all teachers and got a job in investments but within 8 years found myself in a primary school and ended up staying there for 16 years! So much for an act of rebellion.

Finally, realising I had once again been correct in my first response to educational work, I escaped to the first job offered to me. Insurance. Now I don’t wish to offend anyone who loves this field, and believe me there are many! I know because I work with them. It is just not for me.

But this begs the question what is?!?

When I grow up, what do I want to be…

My answer now is different.

My answer now is I want to be happy, I want to be healthy and I want my loved ones, friends and family to be the same.

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